by Jayne Attwood | Jul 25, 2024 | Pilates, Hormones
Yes, Pilates is BRILLIANT for boosting testosterone through regular practise of resistance training… It seems people mistakenly believe Pilates is about women stretching a bit and moving very slowly, which I suppose it is, but there’s oh so much more to it – and...
by Jayne Attwood | May 30, 2024 | Hormones
It’s not just men that can experience a drop in testosterone as they get older, women find this happens during menopause too. The advice in this article is beneficial to both men and women and can have fabulous results… Testosterone is the sexy hormone, and when we...
by Jayne Attwood | Feb 5, 2024 | Hormones
If the numbers on your scales seem to have a direct correlation with the number of candles on your birthday cake, I’m not surprised. As a woman I’m only too aware of a wonderful thing we call the ‘menopause middle’ but did you know, that lovable ‘dad bod’ we call...
by Jayne Attwood | Oct 17, 2023 | Hip Flexors, Hormones, Pilates, Yoga
October is full of awareness days and four of them have a particular significance to us in yoga and Pilates. Back Care Awareness Week 3 – 7 October World Mental Health Day 10 October Bone and Joint Week 12 -20 October World Menopause Awareness Day 18 October...
by Jayne Attwood | Jul 25, 2023 | Hormones
This is a great topic for discussion because the answer is both yes, and no! Some call it a mid-life crisis, some call it male menopause and some call it andropause. While hormones might be thought to be at fault, that’s not entirely true – it’s not a myth...
by Jayne Attwood | Apr 18, 2023 | Masterclass, Hormones
Did you know that women have specific nutritional requirements during their 28-day cycle? No, me neither. Much of what we are taught about exercise and nutrition is based on the male physiology, but more and more, women are finding that this advice doesn’t work for...