Why do we get ‘menopause middle’?

Why do we get ‘menopause middle’?

Dr Louise Newson (www.balance-menopause.com) and Davina McCall speaking out and raising awareness of menopause, hoo-flippin-ray! One of the biggest things I get asked about is why menopausal people put on belly fat, and can’t seem to do ANYTHING about it, despite...


I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase early bird or larks and night owls used to describe those of us who can get up early and those who like to stay up late. But did you know your lark or night owl status is called your chronotype? Around 10% of people qualify...
Hormones – Menopause & Manopause

Hormones – Menopause & Manopause

Don’t laugh – it’s a thing. Men can go through hormonal fluctuations in their 40’s (or so) in exactly the same way women can. Although sometimes it’s a little unfairly called a ‘midlife crisis’ for the fellas! So, what happens in male menopause? The male menopause...