Can yoga help with heart health?

Can yoga help with heart health?

Yoga is an exercise well-known for reducing stress and anxiety, bringing calm and grounding through lowering blood pressure and cortisol, whilst increasing the all the lovely feel good hormones; oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins and dopamine. That’s brilliant for the...
Breathe – Becky Hemsley 

Breathe – Becky Hemsley 

She sat at the back and they said she was shy, she led from the front  and they hated her pride. They asked her advice  and then questioned her guidance, they branded her loud then were shocked by her silence. When she shared no ambition  they said it...
Bone & Joint Week – Using Pilates for mobility

Bone & Joint Week – Using Pilates for mobility

Every year, the week of 12-20 October is Bone and Joint Week, focusing on musculoskeletal (MSK) health and wellbeing, and retaining mobility. According to the University of Osteopathy, there more than 200 MSK conditions which: Affect 1 in 4 of the adult population...