I’ve been banging on about how great yoga is for years – from keeping you supple, to aiding mental health and vitality, and I thought the best way to prove it to you, is to ask one of my older members to show you!
This is Patrick, and this was our conversation about yoga and life in general…
Jayne: ‘Patrick, how long have you been doing yoga and what do you love about it?’
Patrick: ‘I have been practising yoga for approximately 8 years, and the sessions have been of benefit to me. I am approaching 82 years of age, and my joints are fairly supple, I can touch my toes with my fists, and yoga has kept my mind clear, indeed after a particularly good session I can come away feeling exhilarated.’
J: ‘So, do you notice a difference in your body if you miss a session or two?’
P: ‘During short breaks I can stiffen up but to prevent this I find doing a few sun salutations helps’.
‘With age I have a few niggles, mainly mild osteoarthritis and lifelong hip impingement. Regular yoga has helped with the arthritis, and to “keep me moving”. Whilst the hip impingement restricts me carrying out some cross-legged poses, I accept the challenge of attempting the pose. Although my balance in some of the extreme poses, Warrior Three for example needs the assistance of a wall, in general my balance outside of yoga is good.
J: ‘And have you found that doing regular yoga classes has benefitted you in any particular way, other than keeping you moving more comfortably?’
P: ‘Yoga has not only given me physical benefits; I still garden, cycle and take short walks, all of which have been helped by yoga, but the entire group in the yoga class has helped to make my senior stage of life fulfilling – I find it’s a fun group and led by Jayne none of us take ourselves too seriously.
‘I find this famous saying applicable to life…
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw